Ciracas District Police Officers Destroyed by Prisoners, Finally Prisoners Moved to Polda Metro Jaya

Harian id. Jakarta, seven prisoners at the Ciracas Sector Police Headquarters (East Jakarta Police Station) will be transferred to the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters after the Ciracas Mapolsek incident was destroyed and burned.

Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Police Idham Azis requested that all prisoners be evacuated, and Ciracas Police Station be sterilized again.

"I asked the Ciracas Police Headquarters to be sterilized and cleaned up, then the community service could run as usual," Police Inspector General Idham Azis said as quoted by Antara on Wednesday (12/12).

Idham suspected that the destruction of Ciracas Police was related to the beating of a number of parking attendants against members of the Navy in the Cibubur area of ​​East Jakarta, Monday (10/12).

Victims of beatings who were members of the TNI had reconciled with the perpetrators. However, a number of people then went to Ciracas Police Station to ensure the presence of the parking attendant involved in the beatings was under arrest.

A group of people came to Ciracas police station on Tuesday (11/12) / night. At that time, East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Yoyon Tony S along with Korem officials, East Jakarta Dandim, and Den Pom Jaya, as well as Paminal Polda Metro Jaya officials arrived at Ciracas Police Station to calm the masses at around 22:30 WIB.

But, the hundreds of people forced their way into the Ciracas Police Station to ensure the whereabouts of the perpetrators of beatings against TNI members. Then some members of Ciracas Sub-District Police and two motorbike riders were victims of beatings when the mob had begun to anarchist.

At around 00:30 a.m. WIB, the mob began destroying and burning the Ciracas police station including operational police vehicles and Denpom Jaya.

At 1:10 a.m., the Danrem arrived back at the Ciracas police station and a number of fire trucks arrived to extinguish the flames.

This case was handled by Metro Jakarta Regional Police, Metro Jaya Regional Police and Kodam Jaya.

Head of Information for the Kodam (Kapendam) Jaya / Jayakarta Colonel Inf Kristomei Sianturi said the current situation was conducive. He also said the TNI would investigate allegations of member involvement in the arson.


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